00:16:54 Martin, Abbey Kate: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/pub/em-9420-how-respond-after-suicide-guide-extension-professionals 00:18:48 Martin, Abbey Kate: abbey.martin@oregonstate.edu 00:18:50 Linnell, Dusti: Thanks Abbey! 00:24:47 Crowley, Teresa: Welcome to OCHI!!!! 00:24:52 Linnell, Dusti: Reacted to "Welcome to OCHI!!!!" with ❤️ 00:25:09 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Reacted to "Welcome to OCHI!!!!" with ❤️ 00:25:15 Caplan, Shannon: Reacted to "Welcome to OCHI!!!!" with ❤️ 00:25:19 Tina Dodge: Reacted to "Welcome to OCHI!!!!" with 🥳 00:25:27 Carly Kristofik: Reacted to "Welcome to OCHI!!!!" with ❤️ 00:25:29 Reilly, Emily: Reacted to "Welcome to OCHI!!!!" with ❤️ 00:25:30 Linnell, Dusti: I agree, welcome Araceli, Oralia, Abbey, Sandi, Nicole, Steve, and the rest of the team! 00:25:43 Marc Braverman: the OCHI-FCH merger sounds like a great development ! 00:25:44 Tina Dodge: Reacted to "the OCHI-FCH merger ..." with ❤️ 00:25:54 Tina Dodge: Reacted to "I agree, welcome Ara..." with ❤️ 00:26:00 Linnell, Dusti: Reacted to "the OCHI-FCH merger ..." with ❤️ 00:26:05 Rose Jepson-Sullivan: Reacted to "Welcome to OCHI!!!!" with ❤️ 00:28:49 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "I agree, welcome Ara..." with ❤️ 00:28:54 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "Welcome to OCHI!!!!" with 👍 00:33:23 Lauren Kraemer: FCH Conference Registration Link: https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_er0oyTNPhluzdC6 00:33:48 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "the OCHI-FCH merger ..." with 👍 00:35:37 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Again fundraiser is for OSUEA-FCS, Oregon State University Extension Association, Family and Consumer Sciences affiliate 00:35:42 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "Again fundraiser is ..." with 👍 00:53:34 Lauren Kraemer: I noted the age demographics of pinterest users you shared, are there other demographics that can be shared about pinterest users? 00:53:57 Tina Dodge: Yes, like Spanish language? 00:54:16 Maria Falcon: Reacted to "Yes, like Spanish la..." with 👍 00:54:49 Linnell, Dusti: What a cool analysis! This is very interesting information. Thank you Brooke, Meg, and Ainsley! 00:54:55 Lauren Kraemer: I think organizing by seasonal ingredients would be helpful and useful. 00:55:03 Linnell, Dusti: Reacted to "I think organizing b..." with 👍 00:56:17 Beck, Ainsley G: We can see categories users are interested in such as gardening and health. And country of origin. 00:56:29 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Reacted to "We can see categorie..." with 👍 00:56:42 Carol Walsh (she/her): Brooke you can mention that the same is being added in Spanish 00:58:43 Holland, Shawna E: I apologize if I missed it, but how does the traction/engagement on Pinterest compare with Food Hero FB page and website? 00:59:45 Rose Jepson-Sullivan: thank you all!! 00:59:47 Anne Hoisington: Great job!!!! 00:59:48 Kristina: Thank you! 00:59:50 Lauren Kraemer: Thank you! 00:59:52 Beck, Ainsley G: Thank you for having us! 01:02:03 Buley, Heather: 1 01:02:07 Megan Pratt (she/her): 0 01:02:09 Lauren Kraemer: 3 01:02:15 Love, Aimee: 0 01:02:15 Holland, Shawna E: 0 01:17:38 Lauren Kraemer: That was a really helpful overview. Thank you! 01:17:40 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Thank you so much, Julie! 01:17:41 Rose Jepson-Sullivan: thank you! 01:27:19 Ahern, Katherine E: I need a training in what type of 'assessment' I should be implementing. I am guessing this is a more to come.. 01:27:27 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "I need a training in..." with 👍 01:28:20 Anne Hoisington: Katie, there is a SNAP-Ed toolkit focused on assessments - I can share it with everyone, and then work to support you more on this 01:31:21 Anne Hoisington: https://snaped.fns.usda.gov/library/materials/snap-ed-needs-assessment-toolkit 01:33:07 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "https://snaped.fns.u..." with 👍 01:34:30 Matilde Rodriguez: Thank you 01:35:11 Sara Wolfe: Yes, good point, Sally! 01:36:00 Tina Dodge: Thank you! 01:36:06 Lauren Kraemer: I'm really excited about the climate benefit as a way to provide air filtration devices to folks around the state to prepare for wildfire smoke events. 01:36:31 Ahern, Katherine E: I had something like that happen last week. 01:37:01 Robin Maille: One of my partners, Northeast Oregon Network, a CBO, is doing this kind of work through grants. 01:37:48 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "I'm really excited a..." with 👍 01:37:50 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "I had something like..." with 👍 01:37:53 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "One of my partners, ..." with 👍 01:38:21 Sara Wolfe: Thank you both for adding that clarification. Yes, this was meant to be purely informational. 01:38:36 Maria Falcon: Thank you. 01:38:45 Buley, Heather: Thank you everyone, such great info!