01:15:17 Russell, Stephanie Alice: Welcome everyone! We'll get started soon. :) 01:26:05 Russell, Stephanie Alice: Memo above, also here's the direct link for strategic plan survey:https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0qCc7alvGL5WN82 01:26:21 Malheur Team - Barb & Toiresa: Thanks Katie for supporting us. 01:28:08 Russell, Stephanie Alice: Strategic plan link: https://leadership.oregonstate.edu/strategic-plan 01:28:41 Malheur Team - Barb & Toiresa: Allison, would you send the SWAT analysis again for review? 01:33:26 Allison Myers she, her: Replying to "Extension FCH_SWOT_Analysis_V10 Working Draft 062222.docx" 2022, y’all - sorry. Not 2021, for the SWOT. 01:35:27 Russell, Stephanie Alice: Reacted to "agristress hotline.jpg" with πŸ‘ 01:37:30 Allison Myers she, her: Reacted to "agristress hotline.jpg" with ❀️ 01:41:33 Warmbier, Abbie: Thank you for sharing Maureen 01:41:38 Joanne Lyford (she/her): Thanks Maureen and Marina! Great share! 01:41:40 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Reacted to "Thanks Maureen and M..." with πŸ™‚ 01:41:50 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Reacted to "Thank you for sharin..." with πŸ™‚ 01:42:02 Malheur Team - Barb & Toiresa: Thanks Maureen and Team! 01:42:24 Meilana Charles, Oregon State University-Extension: Good information. I learned something very new. I appreciate it, Maureen and Marina. 01:42:27 Katie Ahern: you rock it Maureen! 01:43:06 Russell, Stephanie Alice: maureen.quinn@oregonstate.edu 01:43:10 Russell, Stephanie Alice: marina.boyko@oregonstate.edu 01:43:37 Beatriz Botello: Hi Maureen and team, Thank you for sharing and creating awareness. 01:43:44 Russell, Stephanie Alice: Reacted to "Hi Maureen and team,..." with πŸ‘ 01:44:05 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Reacted to "Hi Maureen and team,..." with ❀️ 01:44:17 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Reacted to "Good information. I ..." with πŸ™‚ 01:44:21 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Reacted to "Thanks Maureen and T..." with πŸ™‚ 02:03:10 Russell, Stephanie Alice: carly.kristofik@oregonstate.edu 02:03:16 Joanne Lyford (she/her): This is awesome Carly and team! Congratulations on your success! 02:03:33 Katie Ahern: Carly and Joanne- this is wonderful. Great job! 02:04:02 Maureen T Quinn Lores: Reacted to "This is awesome Carl..." with πŸ‘ 02:05:06 Ellen & Shannon - SOREC: I think it's great, too! I love the resources Carly created :D 02:06:04 Carly Kristofik: It's a team effort--thank you. Also, I should add I know other units are doing similar things. :) 02:06:13 Ellen & Shannon - SOREC: Can you add the link to the photo library to this chat? 02:06:35 Russell, Stephanie Alice: p\Pt0s 02:06:37 Joanne Lyford (she/her): Rebecca is on leave until the end of January 2024 02:07:04 Chris Branam: https://employee.extension.oregonstate.edu/communications/photos-videos-other-multimedia/extension-communications-photo-library 02:07:34 Chris Branam: Password is Ph0t0s. You can find the microgreens photos by searching nutrition or health. 02:10:00 Joyce Senior: https://nutrition.extension.oregonstate.edu/collection/program-impacts-snap-ed-and-efnep 02:12:08 Carly Kristofik: Welcome Amy! 02:17:18 Russell, Stephanie Alice: Christine.Mouzong@oregonstate.edu 02:18:14 Robin Maille, she/her: Thanks for the shares! 02:18:20 Ellen & Shannon - SOREC: Thank you! 02:18:21 Carly Kristofik: Have a good day! 02:18:22 Buley, Heather: Thank you everyone! 02:18:25 Ellen & Shannon - SOREC: Happy New Year!